Goji Berry

Goji Berries For Eyes – 5 Essential Benefits Revealed

Is Goji berries good for eyesight? – what experts say

It’s fair to say that we all want to preserve the health of our eyes for as long as possible. One of the keys to doing this is getting the right nutrition in the right way. That’s where using goji berries for eyes can help.

Not only do Goji berries contain protein, but all the essential amino acids, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, and C. They also are a good source of carotenoids, in particular zeaxanthin, flavonoids and polysaccharides – which is vital for eye health.

Here we’ll show you what taking goji berries for eyes will do for your vision.

Goji berry and eyesight benefits

One of goji berries biggest assets is that it contains a great deal of the carotenoid zeaxanthin. Scientific studies show that zeaxanthin binds free radicals and also intercepts harmful wavelengths in the spectral range – this prevents photochemical eye damage. 

This is especially helpful if you stare at a screen all day.

Also, goji berries help prevent age-related eye health problems which can cause blindness in elderly people.


The American Academy of Optometry’s journal Optometry and Vision Science has shown, through research, a substantial increase in zeaxanthin and other levels of antioxidants in older adults who drank goji berry juice for 90 days.

Other studies have shown that goji berries prevent ganglions that cause glaucoma, a condition that can cause vision loss.

Goji berries for dry eyes

Dry eye disease is the most common complaint among the elderly, with 68% of people aged 60 years old dealing with this condition.

However, goji berries may be able to offer relief here as well.

Studies on rats showed a significant reduction in the symptoms of dry eye. It\’s the presence of betaine in Goji berry extract that is so effective against dry eye. Betaine exerts a protective function on cells, proteins, and enzymes which protects against environmental stressors. Betaine has also been shown to inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines and improve moisture control within the tear duct.


In this study, administration of GBE (Goji berry extract) significantly reduced symptoms of dry eye in rats. So compared with artificial tears or eye drops, GBE may be an excellent dietary supplement for the relief of dry eye symptoms.

Goji berries for dry eyes testimonial

Below is a testimony from a goji berry user for dry eye

I’ve been struggling with dry eyes for about 7 months or so and of course eye drops barely do anything! Drinking green tea helped more than any eye drop, but I thank God every day that I came across people using goji berries to treat dry eyes. I gave it a shot putting about a teaspoon in a cup of hot water letting it sit for 10 minutes then drinking and eating the berries. I did this about 2-3 times a day. It has helped so much I saw some people just eat them raw and recently I’ve tried soaking them for 6 hours and then blending them to make juice. I use dried goji berries from Whole Foods. I truly hope this helps I know how horrible it is to struggle with dry eyes, it can be completely debilitating. I started to notice a difference after 1-2 days!

– Lucy Jude

Goji berry macular degeneration – what’s been discovered

In a Swiss study, 150 elderly persons aged between 65 and 75 were fed goji berries or placebo for 90 days. The subjects were given eye examinations and blood tests to measure antioxidant levels before and at the end of the 90 days. The placebo group had reduced eye pigmentation and a build-up of drusen – microproteins that gradually destroy the optic disc (macula) – causing what is called macular degeneration.

goji berries eye health, goji berries for eyesight
How a sufferer of macular degeneration sees the world

Meanwhile, these symptoms were not evident in the goji berry group. Their eye health remained stable throughout the study period. The gojiberry group also had increased antioxidant capacity (by 57%), and increased plasma zeaxanthin levels (by 26%). Zeaxanthin is a prime antioxidant that helps protect the cells of the eyes.

Goji berries and eye floaters

Most people are familiar with those dark spots that float into your field of vision. These obstructive and irritating specks are usually the symptoms of a medical condition called eye floaters.

But did you know that the powerful antioxidant Lutein can help cure eye floaters? What\’s more, when Lutein is combined with zeaxanthin it\’s impact on eye floaters and eye health in general is increased. Goji berries are high in both these antioxidants, making it a great ally in combating eye floaters.

Goji berries and diabetic retinopathy

Nutrient-packed Goji berries may also play a role in preventing diabetes-related retinal damage.

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most severe complications in both type I and type II diabetes. It occurs when high levels of sugar in the blood weaken the retinal blood vessels over time.

As the disease progresses, vision may be impaired and in serious cases may lead to blindness.

So how do Goji berries help to lessen or even reverse this damage? Well, it comes down to their high carotenoids content. It is this component that gives goji berries the ability to prevent diabetic retinopathy,

Dr Daniel Lin, a Professor in the Department of Nutritional Science, and his research team at Oklahoma State University of Human Sciences looked to the Goji berry to see if it could play a role in maintaining healthy retinal tissue.

Reversing diabetic retinopathy with goji’s – the research

The researchers fed a diet to one group of mice for eight weeks, including 1 percent of Goji berries. A second group of mice got the same diet without the Gojis. 

The investigators measured the carotenoid content of the retinal and liver tissue collected from the two groups of mice using high-performance liquid chromatography.

The mice given the diet involving goji berries had increased zeaxanthin and lutein concentrations in both tissue types by 13.7 percent

Lin’s group also tested the mice’s retinas to determine the impact such carotenoids may have on diabetic retinopathy.

The mice’s retinas in the Goji berry group showed marked improvement after eight weeks, with complete reversal of mitochondrial damage and increases in both mitochondrial dispersion and retinal epithelial pigment granules.

Dr. Lin claims that his study is the first to show that, “Wolfberry bioactive constituents prevented or delayed the development of diabetic retinopathy disease in an animal model.”

Hopefully, these intriguing findings will encourage further research to determine whether the berries will have the same protective effects on diabetic retinopathy in humans.

Goji berries and cataracts

When a person develops cataracts, the yellowing of the corneas may actually be the body’s defense mechanism to protect the retinas. It has be proven that when cataracts are removed, risks of blindness from macular generation increase dramatically. This is because the body’s natural protection has been taken away.

So rather than trading one kind of vision loss for another, it makes sense to pigment the back of the eyes with diet instead of the front of our eyes with cataracts. 

While you can find these pigments in eggs, these may also increase bad cholesterol and heart disease. There’s no such worry with goji berries, plus they have as much as 60 times more zeaxanthin than eggs.

Just a handful of goji berries markedly increase pigment levels in our body.


Research for goji and cataracts

While goji berries increase these important pigments in our blood, we still need them to affect our eyes. This is what studies say.

A group of researchers conducted a double-blind study trial testing the efficacy of goji berries at increasing pigment levels.

In this study, the individuals ingested approximately 15 berries daily for three months. Even at this low dose, the study found that goji berries could guard against the loss of pigment and prevent the build-up of debris in the back of the eye.

Frequently Asked Questions


Are goji berries good for glaucoma?

Yes, they are! When you consume goji berries, the retina is protected from the ganglion cells that cause glaucoma. To boost antioxidant levels for eyesight protection, consume goji berry juice for 90 days.

How to eat goji berries for eyes?

Scientists discovered that when 13 healthy individuals between the ages of 45 and 65 consumed 28 grams (or about one ounce, or a handful) of goji berries five times a week for 90 days, the density of protective pigments in their eyes increased. So if you want to experience increased eye health with goji berries, aim for the same amount. 

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